The Magician’s Tale

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By R. Brooke Jeffrey ’70

Published Oct. 31, 2017

 The Magician’s Tale (iUniverse) is the story of the Frankel family, who lived in the Lodz Ghetto in 1940s Poland. Michael Frankel kept a journal of his life under Nazi capture, and of the ways through which he sought to escape: by engaging in the Resistance and clinging to thoughts of his love interest, Rachel. David, Michael’s teenage brother, survives by escaping to the nearby woods. Thirty years later, David, now a Polish-American doctor, decides to return to Russia and Poland in search of his lost family. Upon arriving, David finds an heirloom that may be the secret to reuniting with those he once loved. Little does he know, the secrets David finds in Poland would threaten the life that he sought so hard to defend many years earlier. In this historical thriller, Brooke

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