Sophie the Hero

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By Lara Bergen ’90

(Scholastic) Second in the Sophie series (after Sophie the Awesome), Sophie the Hero revisits very average Sophie. She’s a middle child, lives in a town called Ordinary, has average hair and height, and has finished third in every race she’s entered. To get over her boring life, Sophie determines to find a new name that conveys how special she is and, this time, her name is inspired by her rescue of a little girl. While her new moniker is certainly unique, Sophie finds that it causes many complications, as well, which she must deal with throughout the book. Bergen is a children’s author and the third book in this series, Sophie the Chatterbox, debuts in October.

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Sheikh Nawaf al-Sabah ’94 in Kuwait
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September 2024

Sheikh Nawaf al-Sabah ’94 in Kuwait; Tiger Travels; Why the graduate student union vote failed.