When We Walk By

  A groundbreaking and at times somber account of one of the more pressing problems of modern American life, this new book co-written by Adler and Burnes allows readers to understand not just the causes and consequences of homelessness, but the psychology behind our treatment of homeless populations as well; in his words, simply “what we lose when we avert our gaze, walk on by, and choose comfort.” A comprehensive treatment of the subject, When We Walk By (North Atlantic Books) touches on myriad aspects of homelessness in America, from psychology, to root causes, to the US policy response, sharing real world examples and debunking common misconceptions, in hope of building better understanding. Profound in effect, this is a must-read for anyone seeking to understand homelessness in America, challenging long-held beliefs and faulty assumptions, and seeking to light a better path forward. 

Paw in print

The cover of PAW’s April, 2025, issue, featuring a photo of three soldiers in World War II uniforms reading PAW.
The Latest Issue

April 2025

PAW turns 125; Gatsby at 100; Princeton Journeys around the world