Robert Ketcham Holton ’34
Bob Holton, class v.p., died Oct. 19, 1998, in Hightstown, N.J., less than three weeks after his 87th birthday. A widower who spent most of his life in Essex Fells, N.J., he spent the last seven months at Meadow Lakes, a retirement community near Princeton.
Bob, who was the son of Charles W. Holton '04, had a varied business career working over the years in several different positions, including WWII duty as a Navy lieutenant at the Power Plant Design Branch of the Bureau of Aeronautics in Washington. He wound up as a pension consultant with the Natl. Employee Relation Institute, in Newark, N.J. "This was my best and longest situation," he wrote, and he held it until he retired, in 1972.
In Essex Fells, Bob was at one time or another president of the town council, battalion chief of the fire department, a scoutmaster, and a member of the United Way Council for Social Welfare and of the Essex County Advisory Board.
In 1941 he married Eleanor "Al" Mildram (Vassar '31), who died in 1989. The couple had two sons, Stephen and David, who survive, as do two sisters, five grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren. To them we offer our sincere sympathies.
The Class of 1934