Daniel M. Kelly ’46
Dan died Nov. 16, 2017. He devoted his life to helping the Crow Indians in Montana.
Born in New Jersey, he attended Mercersburg Academy and Princeton, and went on to acquire advanced degrees in business, engineering, and law at Cornell, George Washington, and Harvard.
Dan worked for the CIA for many years, volunteered for the Episcopal Diocese of Virginia and for Goodwin House, a retirement community, and received the Alexandria Red Cross award. Later Dan became interested in the fate of the Crow Indians in Montana.
As a consequence he set up the Center Pole, a foundation to improve the lives of Crow Indians on their Montana reservation. He joined with a grassroots local leader, Peggy Buffalo, to upgrade the state of their reservation to the point where about 500 of the children were able to attend American colleges over the years.
Dan loved his family, his work, and his life. Over the years Dan opened his home in Virgnia to families from many countries. He was a visionary, a man of many talents, and a credit to our ’46 Princeton class.
Dan is survived by two children and several grandchildren.