Images of peace

Andrew M. Watrous ’09

Michael J. Collins '11

When students, faculty, and staff were invited by the Office of Religious Life to submit photos for an exhibit titled “What Is Peace?” more than 160 images were offered on a wide range of subjects. “Our hope was to invite the Princeton community into a conversation about peace through the medium of photography,” said Paul Raushenbush, associate dean of religious life. Submitted images “included the beauty and ambiguity of the idea of peace in both the personal and social arenas,” he said. The exhibit will be on display in Murray-Dodge Hall for the rest of the year.

In the top photo by Andrew M. Watrous ’09, a dove flies up to land on a centuries-old arch at the Alhambra in Spain. The photo below, by Michael J. Collins ’11, shows an orphan whom Collins was tutoring in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Above right is a photo by Deepa Iyer ’09 of a mother and child in Jordan on the shore of the Red Sea.

Deepa Iyer '09

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