Garden Theatre’s Next Act

Jimmy Stewart ’32 in Mr. Smith Goes to Washington

Jimmy Stewart ’32 in Mr. Smith Goes to Washington

Getty Images

Published Jan. 21, 2016

Now showing at the Princeton Garden Theatre: Hollywood classics, indie and foreign films, first-run hits, and community events.

Renew Theaters, a nonprofit chosen by the University to run the Garden, began offering its eclectic programming at the historic Nassau Street movie house June 1. The University, which owns the property and last renovated the building in 2000–01, selected Renew after the previous operator’s lease expired.

The Garden’s “blend of current, classic, and alternative programming” should appeal to both the campus community and the wider Princeton community, said Kristin Appelget, the University’s director of community and regional affairs. Renew plans to work with Princeton faculty to develop programs of common interest, she said.

The two-screen theater, which opened in 1920, received new carpeting, artwork, and lighting in its lobby during the summer. The auditoriums were cleaned, and seating upgrades are planned. In July and August, films starring Jimmy Stewart ’32 figured prominently on “classics” nights.

Renew theaters are supported primarily through memberships. The Garden Theatre will offer basic annual memberships ranging from $50 for individuals to $75 for couples. Memberships are tax-deductible and come with reduced admission ($6 versus $10.50 for non-member general-admission tickets). Sponsorship levels start at $120.

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