Publication Schedule


Cover Date In-Home Dates Space Res. Due Display Ads Due
Sept. 2024 Sept. 3 July 15 July 29
Oct. 2024 Oct. 7 Aug. 19 Sept. 3
Nov. 2024 Nov. 4 Sept. 16 Sept. 30
Dec. 2024 Dec. 2 Oct. 14 Oct. 28
Jan. 2025 Dec. 30 Nov. 11 Nov. 25
Feb. 2025 Feb. 3 Dec. 16 Dec. 30
March 2025 Mar. 3 Jan. 13 Jan. 27
April 2025 Mar. 31 Feb. 10 Feb. 24
May 2025 May 5 Mar. 17 Mar. 31
June 2025 June 2 Apr. 14 Apr. 28
July/Aug. 2025 July 7 May 19 June 2

Alumni Day: Feb. 24 • Reunions: May 23–25  •  Commencement: May 28

For information on advertising contact:
Allison Sullivan, Publishing Director


More from the Media Kit:

What is PAW?

Who is PAW’s audience?

Who gets PAW?

Where do they live?

Why advertise in PAW?

Publication schedule

Advertising rates

Print production specifications and advertising requirements

Copy and contract regulations

Classified advertising and schedule