The ’17 Global Seminars: Every Picture Tells a Story

Ryan Yao ’20

Published Oct. 19, 2017

Jason King ’20, a participant in the PIIRS Global Seminar in China during the summer, pauses on the slope of a sand dune in Gansu Province. “The steep, sweat-inducing climb to the top was challenging for everyone, but so fulfilling,” said Ryan Yao ’20, who took the photo. The Beijing seminar was one of seven sponsored by the Princeton Institute for International and Regional Studies; others took place in Cuba, Germany, Greece, India, Namibia, and Russia. PAW invited students to submit photos of their experiences; see a selection below.

“During my six weeks in Cuba I spent many hours inside the taxis of Havana. These máquinas are not only a symbol of the Cuban capital, but also a microcosm of the country’s reality. They redefine the urban landscape, and with their mechanical instability, they remind us of the continuous principle of mobility, of constant change. I chose these taxis as the space I would study for the anthropology Global Seminar in Cuba, and through them, I got to freely explore the streets of Havana while learning about the issue of restricted internal migration in Cuba.”

Teresa Irigoyen-Lopez ’19

“Here are Victoria [Davidjohn ’19] and Yulissa [Cantero ’20] sitting next to an olive tree on top of Mycenae, the palace of Agamemnon and Clytaemnestra, who were central characters in many of the plays we were studying. During this day trip, we visited Mycenae, Nafplio, and Epidaurus (where we would later stay for two weeks). Seeing all of these incredible ancient sites was indescribably magical, and was personally my favorite moment of the seminar.”

Sylvie Thode ’20

“After a visit to an art exhibit about The Thaw, a group of us headed to Gorky Park, one of Moscow’s largest parks. With everything from ice skating, food trucks, paddle boats, volleyball, and ping-pong, Gorky Park is a hub of culture and leisure. At the far end, we stumbled across this geometric sculpture facing the pond. Following the lead of a few local children, we climbed inside and became ‘The Three Moscow-teers.’”

Danielle Newton ’20

“Golden Hour from the peak of a sand dune in Namib Desert.”

Sophia Taylor ’20

A camping trip from the India Global Seminar.

Gabrielle Chen ’18

Taken during the Berlin Global Seminar’s visit to Munich: from left, Emily Kunkel ’19, Alaa Ragab ’20, and Yang Shao ’20.

Emily Kunkel ’19

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