From the Archives

Published Jan. 21, 2016

These dapper young members of the Princeton Glee Club rehearse with their director in a time-delay photo (now torn) set up in 1947 by Edward W. Rothe ’48, shown at center. Rothe was a student photographer and founder of the Princeton Photo Agency. He cannot recall the names of the other singers or the director, but perhaps some PAW readers can identify them.

1 Response

Teri Noel Towe ’70

9 Years Ago

From the Archives


The “director,” seated, in the March 19 From the Archives photograph is J. Merrill Knapp. One of the great Handel scholars of the 20th century, Merrill, who was a treasured friend and mentor, was a member of the faculty for 36 years and served as dean of the college for five years in the early 1960s. A graduate of Yale, Merrill was an honorary member of the Princeton Class of 1936.

Editor’s note: Also writing to identify J. Merrill Knapp were Archibald Hewitt ’51, C.P Heaton ’54, and professor emeritus Peter Jeffery.

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