Parents carrying suitcases, cars filled with dorm-room essentials, anxious and excited students — all are part of a scene repeated every fall: moving-in day. Archivists did not identify this family or the year of the photo, but the cars indicate it was taken during the early years of coeducation at Princeton. Alexander Stuart ’72 shot the photo during Freshman Week. Can any readers name this student or her dad?
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9 Years AgoFrom the Archives
Jeanette Kellogg (Wotkyns) ’73 and her father, John Stewart Kellogg ’38, were identified by PAW readers as the family in the Sept. 16 From the Archives photo. Jeanette Kellogg recalls her dad “driving around a lot looking for Pyne Hall” on move-in day in 1969 because the campus had changed so much since his graduation. Tom Crocker ’71, Charles P. Whitin ’73, and Melissa Hines ’73 wrote in to identify the Kelloggs.