At Alumni Day Feb. 21, 1987, Woodrow Wilson Award winner Sen. Bill Bradley ’65 gave a speech on “Tax Reform and America’s Future.” Bradley played a key role in pushing for the Tax Reform Act that passed in the summer of 1986.
Bill Bradley became a politician and even had the presidency in his sights, but he never seemed to have learned effective communication with others. In this someone failed: Was it Princeton and its tutorial system? What was it? Sports are also supposed to have positive results on personal relations, but this doesn't seem to have worked with Bradley.
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Norman Ravitch *62
5 Years AgoWhat Princeton Failed With Bradley
Bill Bradley became a politician and even had the presidency in his sights, but he never seemed to have learned effective communication with others. In this someone failed: Was it Princeton and its tutorial system? What was it? Sports are also supposed to have positive results on personal relations, but this doesn't seem to have worked with Bradley.