From the Archives: Snowfall

Published Nov. 22, 2019

Photo by Frank Wojciechowski

As snow falls in December 2003 at Princeton, it reminds students that winter soon will arrive — and with it, holidays and exams. What are some of your memories of snow at Princeton? Let us know with a letter, or send a photo to

1 Response

Richard Lance Wechsler ’68

4 Years Ago

Responding to your request for photo memories of snow at Princeton (From the Archives, Dec. 4): The photo shown above originally appeared on the front page of The Daily Princetonian Dec. 1, 1967. At the time I was one of the photo editors of the Prince, and the credit reads “R. Lance Wechsler,” which must have been a vanity of mine at the time. My mother loved this print in its reversed form — black became white and vice versa — and had it framed and hanging on her wall until she passed, at which time it came back to me.

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