From the Archives: Spring Dance Festival

Published Dec. 22, 2020

Princeton students rehearse “Name by Name,” one of five pieces performed at the University’s Spring Dance Festival in February 2008, at the Berlind Theatre. Do you recognize any students in the photo? Please let us know at

5 Responses


3 Years Ago

From the Archives

Several readers wrote to identify the dancers pictured in our January From the Archives photo. They are, from left to right, Katerina Wong ’10, Julie Rubinger Doupé ’09, Amy LaViers ’09 (face not shown), Sarah Outhwaite ’09, Pilar Castro Kiltz ’10, Laura Robertson Knopf ’10, and Elizabeth Schwall ’09. 

Elise Anderson ’09

4 Years Ago

Dancer IDs

I recognize at least two of the dancers pictured on page 46 of PAW’s January 2021 issue: Julie Rubinger ’09 is second from left, posed with arms framing her head. Elizabeth Schwall ’09 is at far-right (black top with pink skirt).

Pilar Castro Kiltz ’10

4 Years Ago

Identifying the Dancers

This piece was powerful and so fulfilling as a young dance artist to experience. 

From left to right: Katie Wong ’10, Julie Rubinger ’09, (unsure), Sarah Outhwaite ’09, Pilar Castro Kiltz ’10, (unsure), and Elizabeth Schwall ’09.

Andria Lauren Mirabal ’08

4 Years Ago

Identifying the Dancers

In the January 2021 issue, there is a shot of dancers from the Spring Dance Festival in February 2008 (p. 46). I can identify with certainty four of the six. From left to right: Katie Wong ’10, Julie Rubinger ’09, unsure, unsure, Pilar Castro Kiltz ’10, and Elizabeth Schwall ’09.

Zoë Saunders ’10

4 Years Ago

From the Archives Photo

I recognized someone in this photo from the January issue: The dancer in the center (fourth from left) is Sarah Outhwaite ’09. Hope that helps!

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