Are Index Funds Hampering Corporate Competition?

Alumni economists debate common ownership

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By Paul J. Lim ’92

Published Jan. 5, 2018

7 min read

When John Bogle ’51 created the first index mutual fund in 1976 — based on an idea he hinted at in his Princeton senior thesis — it was ridiculed as “un-American.” After all, passively managed index funds don’t even try to beat the market like traditional stock pickers do. Instead, index-fund managers buy and hold all the securities in the market and are content to settle for average returns.

Twenty years later, amid the late ’90s bull market, conventional wisdom changed and indexing was hailed as a great democratizing force on Wall Street, allowing investors big and small to instantly diversify their money for a fraction of the cost of traditional funds.

Fast-forward another 20 years, and opinions could be shifting again. A small but growing group of economists now say index funds may be anti-capitalist because they stifle competition in the broader economy.

How could an investment that’s made millions of people rich while funneling trillions of dollars of capital into private-sector firms be anti-capitalist?

Index-fund managers don’t pick the stocks they own — the funds mirror a market benchmark. For instance, the Vanguard 500 — the first passive fund Bogle brought to market more than 40 years ago — tracks the S&P 500 index of American blue-chip companies. As a result, the fund owns shares of all 500 of the largest publicly traded companies in the country, including every major airline, automaker, drugmaker, steelmaker, retailer, etc.

John Bogle ’51, Vanguard founder: “I don’t want my life’s work destroyed — least of all because it works.”

Peter Foley/Bloomberg via Getty Images

No one disputes that this hyper-diversification has benefited fund investors by reducing risk while driving down costs (index funds don’t require teams of research analysts and stock pickers). But could this overlapping ownership structure — in which rival companies within the same industry are owned by the same set of funds — discourage ruthless competition?

This potential problem, known as “common ownership,” was first explored in 1984 by economist Julio Rotemberg *81, who worried that companies might “tend to act collusively when their shareholders have diversified portfolios.” 

Back then indexing was an obscure strategy barely attracting any assets, and Rotemberg was just starting out. (He died in April after a distinguished career at Harvard Business School.) But virtually every new dollar that’s gone into the fund industry in the past three years has been put into passively managed products. So common ownership is getting another look.

José Azar *12, an assistant professor of economics at the University of Navarra’s IESE Business School in Spain, points out that two of the largest managers of index funds in the U.S., BlackRock and Vanguard, control a sizable portion of virtually every major company in the market.

“BlackRock has $6 trillion in assets and Vanguard controls close to $5 trillion,” he says, and that will naturally lead to overlapping ownership of the same names in the same industries. “We’re not saying indexing is the only cause,” says Azar, noting that some of the assets controlled by these firms are held in traditional, actively managed portfolios. “But it’s clearly one of the biggest.” 

Economist José Azar *12: “We’re not saying that indexing is the only cause. But it’s clearly one of the biggest.”

Edu Ferrer

Azar began studying how ownership structure affects corporate behavior as part of his dissertation. “I was looking at the auto industry and issues such as fuel economy. But that’s when I started looking at the companies’ shareholders.” He continued exploring the unintended consequences of common ownership after graduation, with fellow economists Isabel Tecu and Martin Schmalz *12, now an assistant professor of finance at the University of Michigan’s Ross School of Business.

Their study, “Anti-Competitive Effects of Common Ownership,” looked at the high degree of cross-ownership among the nation’s major airlines. Their research determined that “ticket prices are approximately 3 to 7 percent higher on the average U.S. airline route than would be the case under separate ownership.”

A separate study found that common ownership also has an effect in the banking industry, leading to higher fees on deposit accounts and lower interest rates on savings accounts. Still another study blames this trend for runaway CEO pay.

Bogle isn’t buying it. “Is it credible to think that mutual funds are actually conspiring in this manner? That’s absurd.”

He adds that while this may be “a fascinating argument on an academic level, I’m dealing with the real world.” And, he says, “there’s absolutely not a scintilla of evidence” that fund companies are colluding to get rival corporations to cooperate more or compete less.

Bogle isn’t the only skeptic.

“It’s an interesting and sexy topic,” says Todd Gormley, associate professor of finance at the Olin Business School at Washington University in St. Louis. But “I’m not convinced by that literature.”

He points to a problem in the logic. “Index funds don’t just own all the companies in one industry, they own every industry,” he says. “Let’s assume that airlines are raising prices or banks are raising fees to appease their index-fund owners. But air travel and banking are input costs for every other industry. Isn’t that hurting all the other companies in their portfolio?”

What’s more, Gormley says, it’s difficult to think how an index fund would try to convince a management team to be less competitive.

Schmalz contends that owners don’t have to meet in a smoke-filled room for competition to be stifled. Simply knowing that your largest shareholders are also the owners of your competitors may be enough to sway management to hold back some of their punches, he says.

“In a world where Richard Branson owns Virgin Atlantic and I control Delta and you control United, each of us would be telling management to steal market share from the others,” Schmalz says. In this case, he goes on to ask, where is the evidence of index-fund managers encouraging companies they own to be that competitive?

Gormley says there is evidence of some positive effects of passive ownership. A study he co-authored found that corporations owned largely by index funds exhibited better governance — for instance, by having more independent directors and more equal voting rights.

Glen Weyl ’07 *08, research scholar at Yale, believes that the interests of workers and consumers have to be considered in addition to the interests of investors.

John Brecher

Some legal scholars believe big companies that run index funds may already be in violation of antitrust laws, which ban any stock acquisition that “substantially lessens competition.” But Glen Weyl ’07 *08, a senior visiting research scholar in economics and law at Yale, says that applying those laws on a case-by-case basis could be chaotic and disruptive to an industry that many Americans rely on for their retirement savings. 

Instead, Weyl and two of his colleagues have proposed a different solution. 

They are calling for restrictions on the ability of asset managers like BlackRock or Vanguard to own large chunks of companies officially designated as oligopolies, where only a handful of firms dominate: Funds could either own more than 1 percent of a company if they agree to invest in just one firm per industry, or they must cap their holdings to less than 1 percent of each company.

To Bogle, this would be untenable.

“There are something like 124 different industries. That would mean a minimum of 124 divestitures in index funds,” Bogle says. “If there was a forced divestiture by index funds of all these extra companies, how many hundreds of billions of dollars of taxable capital gains would be inflicted on shareholders?”

What’s more, under such a rule, major index-fund providers would have to go against the tenets of indexing by picking and choosing one stock over another. “You’d have a situation where in tech, Vanguard would have to choose, say, Google, while BlackRock says we’re going with Facebook and State Street saying we’re going with Apple,” he says. 

“That’s active management,” Bogle says, adding: “I don’t want my life’s work destroyed — least of all because it works.”

Weyl, who describes Bogle as a hero, says he understands Bogle’s concerns, but believes that the interests of workers and consumers have to be considered in addition to the interests of investors.

Thanks to the proliferation of index funds in 401(k) retirement plans, however, many of those workers are also investors — another twist in this very complicated issue.

3 Responses

G.M. Burns

6 Years Ago

There is something to what you...

Hi Norman Ravitch, 
There is something to what you say here. I completely agree that government has long been pushing people to "join the stock market" in a myriad of ways and that it is a bad idea, because it is not necessarily the best investment for many people, and especially since the "bundled" investments tend to be handled halfheartedly by managers -- slow to jump in on rises, and worse, slow to jump out when big losses loom. 
And I have no doubt that the government has been pushing people to throw their money bundled into stocks and bonds through retirement plans or whatever, not for the good of the people, but for the good of Wall Street. Both parties have lots of friends there who are the sources of lots and lots of campaign donations, and also the best place to get a corporate board seat if a swamp-dweller happens to somehow end up without a government job.

But your claim, that "a large majority, perhaps 80%, of securities are owned by the very, very rich" seems to be your misunderstanding of a 2014 article in The Hill by Mark Mellman, a Dem activist and owner of a high-profile Dem polling firm. He gives no source for his claim , but even he says only that the richest 10% of people own 80% of all stock. AND the top 10% means anyone making at least $133,445 a year (Investopedia, 2014 figure). That's many times what I make, but it isn't the "very very rich."

The funny thing is that before government started trying to push people into the stock market, many people instead got a pension from the companies they worked for. And the companies got the money from their own business. A lot of other people just put a little of each paycheck in a savings account, and savings accounts still paid reasonable interest because Wall Street hadn't got all pumped up yet by Washington-designed IRAs, 401ks, or whatever that poured everybody's money into the same basket, the stock market. And the bank had to pay you what you put in plus interest whether the Dow Jones was up or down.

Of course, once in a while a company or bank went broke and couldn't pay, but it was a system that generally worked and diversified risk. Putting all of everyone's eggs in the stock-market basket makes the little kind of disaster that affects a single company's employees just about impossible, but it also means that the whole country will see its retirement plans sink all at the same time if something really bad happens. And we all know that something really bad is always a possibility. What we saw in 2008 has never really been solved, mostly just papered over, and next time could be worse.

Norman Ravitch *62

6 Years Ago

Among us capitalists we can...

Among us capitalists, we can find many reasons and methods for increasing the ownership of stocks and bonds by average Americans. The hope was and is that such policies would make average Americans less likely to seek socialistic governmental policies and less likely to vote for leftist programs and parties. The obvious problem with this is that it works. People become convinced that their meager investments through mutual funds, index funds, employer-supported funds and all the rest make them part of the investor class. But of course a large majority, perhaps 80%, of securities are owned by the very, very rich. So this whole scheme is a political scheme with no real economic justification. Average Americans would do just as well buying government bonds and other savings certificates and would not be held hostage by capitalism. At least I think so. The privatization of Social Security, much beloved by the GOP, also is motivated in the same way: to make middle- and lower-middle-class Americans confused about being investors. Most schemes thought up by Republicans, when the facade is removed, are designed for much more selfish purposes.

David Schechter ’80

6 Years Ago

Don’t Overlook Fund Fees

Re “Are Index Funds Hampering Corporate Competition?” (Princetonians, Jan. 10): It is certainly an interesting academic exercise with some broader implications. However, there also is a huge industry of actively managed funds that would love for people to go back to doing what they were doing 10 or 15 years ago, which is paying much higher fees to invest money in the stock market. Therefore, we need to be aware of both the consequences of index funds, and also the powerful forces that might want to move us away from index funds toward more expensive actively managed funds.

(Via Facebook)

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