From Feb. 3 through Feb. 11, The Weekly Blog is posting audio from Back Story, a radio show produced by undergraduates in Dan Grech ’99's fall journalism course, "The New Audio Age of Journalism." Complete episodes of Back Story will air Feb. 7 and 14 at noon on WPRB.
In the Princeton sports world, there's a new game in town. But the playing field isn't a court or a stadium. It's a computer screen. Members of the Smashcraft Heroes, Princeton's gaming club, play competitively in tournaments, and club co-founder Mona Zhang ’12 has created a new intercollegiate computer-gaming league. Gabriel Chen ’12 talks with Zhang and the Smashcraft Heroes about the future of e-gaming.CLICK HERE TO OPEN AUDIO IN A NEW WINDOW.
(Photo courtesy http://www.flickr.com/photos/mtsofan/ / CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)
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