From Feb. 3 through Feb. 11, The Weekly Blog is posting audio from Back Story, a radio show produced by undergraduates in Dan Grech ’99's fall journalism course, "The New Audio Age of Journalism." Complete episodes of Back Story will air Feb. 7 and 14 at noon on WPRB.
Princeton's sprint football team has not won a league game in 10 years, and the Tigers often lose by astronomical margins. In 2009, the team lost 57-7, 57-0, and 91-13 -- and that was a good season. Most students would have hung their helmets by now, but for some reason, these guys are still playing. And they're hoping a new crop of freshmen will boost their chances. Aku Ammah-Tagoe ’11 reports.CLICK HERE TO OPEN AUDIO IN A NEW WINDOW.
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