QUEEN NOOR ’73 of Jordan (formerly Lisa Halaby) will receive the Woodrow Wilson Award, the highest honor given to an undergraduate alum, when she returns to campus for the 100th anniversary of Alumni Day, Feb. 21.
MARTIN EAKES *80, who co-founded the nonprofit community-development lender and credit union Self-Help, will be honored with the James Madison Medal, the University’s top award for a graduate alum.
The special two-day celebration, marking the anniversary, begins Feb. 20 with a 3:30 p.m. panel discussion on women and eating clubs, followed by a session on language.
Eakes’ talk will begin at 9 a.m. Feb. 21 in Richardson Auditorium, followed by Noor’s lecture at 10:15. Other events include a lecture on pandemics and a session on “A Cappella Deconstructed” with the group Off the Record. Returning events include Dean of Admission Janet Rapelye’s talk on college admission and the 3 p.m. Service of Remembrance in the Chapel honoring deceased Princetonians.
To register and view a listing of events, go to alumni.princeton.edu/goinback/alumniday/.
TIMELINE: An interactive look at the first century of Alumni Day
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