More than 30 class secretaries and memorialists hightailed it over to Maclean House June 1 for PAW's annual secretaries' party at Reunions. Pictured are, front row from left: Ethan Stein '90, Christine Johnson '81, Jay Siegel '59, George Brakeley '61, P.G. Sittenfeld '07, and Fran Hulette, class notes editor; second row: memorialist Warren Eginton '45, James Bensen '36, Rachel Lin '97; David Reeves '48, Jack Kellogg '32, Donald Kerr '37, graduate alumni memorialist Eli Schwartz *60, Barry Bosak '62, and Michael Parish '65; third row: David Bennet k'30, Sharon Keld '80, Melissa Kiser '75, Stephanie Anderson '74, Nancy Cassels '73, Paul Sittenfeld '69, memorialist Irma Mirante w'37, John Chludzinski '85, and Ed Strauss '72; back row: James Barron '77, Bob Van Wagoner '44, Ralph DeGroff '58, Charles Brothman '51, Jotham Johnson '64, Stephen Dittmann k'35, Bob Willis '46, and Selden Edwards '63.
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