Whereabouts (Knopf), a novel by creative writing professor Jhumpa Lahiri, focuses on a woman’s solitude after her father’s death. Her unease leads to a transformation that unfolds over a year, until one fateful day when her perspective changes. This is Lahiri’s first novel written in Italian and translated into English. 

Gaetana Marrone-Puglia, a professor of Italian, has published the first comprehensive book on the Italian neo-realist film director Francesco Rosi. In The Cinema of Francesco Rosi (Oxford University Press), Marrone-Puglia relies on private archives and personal interviews with Rosi to inform her in-depth analysis of each film.

In a book of poems, Music for Exile (Tupelo Press), lecturer in theater Nehassaiu deGannes explores personal and historical losses in the United States, the Caribbean, and Canada. The poems unpack how the notion of home is complicated by violence and reckon with the status quo for immigrant women.