Faculty Start Semester With Land Acknowledgements, Preferred Pronouns

These efforts seek to address some of the important — and at times divisive — cultural issues being debated in the last several years

The newly-renovated McCosh 50 lecture hall in October 2020

Princeton University, Facilities Communications, Christopher Lillja

Jennifer Altmann
By Jennifer Altmann

Published Feb. 5, 2021

2 min read

For some students, the first day of a Princeton class — whether on campus or on a Zoom call — is very different than in previous eras, regardless of the pandemic. Before diving into the material, some professors begin with what is known as a land acknowledgement. A version recommended by the University includes the following: “In 1756, the College of New Jersey moved from Newark and erected Nassau Hall on this land with no recorded consultation with the Lenni-Lenape peoples, and now Princeton University sits on land considered part of the ancient homelands of the Lenni-Lenape peoples.”

Next, professors may discuss how they expect students to conduct themselves. Among the guidelines: Treat each other with respect. Assume others’ mistakes are made in good faith. When students get a turn to introduce themselves, some professors ask them to share the pronouns they prefer. These efforts seek to address some of the important — and at times divisive — cultural issues being debated in the last several years.

Brian Herrera, an associate professor of theater who has been sharing land acknowledgements for about four years, says they are important because they “open up questions: What are histories we don’t know about the places we call home? What are the ways we need to be accountable and attentive to these things, and to perhaps do more?” He asks students to introduce themselves in the ways they would like to be addressed.

The University does not have a policy requiring land acknowledgements, but it has a website offering suggested language and guidance (see bit.ly/princeton-land). Land acknowledgements are one of several initiatives undertaken by the University regarding Native American and Indigenous communities since a 2018 working group on Princeton history recommended that the University recognize its historical links with the Lenni-Lenape peoples. Shawn Maxam, the senior associate director for institutional diversity and inclusion in the provost’s office, says he does not know how many professors use them. 

Daniel Rubenstein, the Class of 1877 Professor of Zoology, establishes these ground rules with his students: “Active learning is better than passive learning. Listen before speaking. And one’s silence often encourages others to engage.” 

Monica Youn ’93, a lecturer in creative writing, begins by describing her classroom as a safe space but notes, “I do not consider a safe space to be a sheltered space.” For her course “Special Topics in Poetry: Race, Identity, and Innovation,” she tells students that race is “the most difficult contemporary topic to deal with. Students are going to make mistakes. Within the community of our classroom, can we commit to each other that we assume these mistakes are good-faith efforts and reasons to continue rather than end dialogue?” During student introductions, she asks students to share the pronouns they prefer as well as their ethnic background.

After reading a land acknowledgement, theater professor Stacy Wolf asks students to suggest and discuss guidelines for class discussions, which she calls “community agreements.” They have included: Entering the space with empathy. Showing kindness to yourself. Taking risks when you’re comfortable. Embracing mistakes as coming from love. 

For Sarah Rivett, a professor of English and American studies, land acknowledgements are an important place to start a class, especially one that will wrestle with the nation’s colonial past. However, she notes that they have limitations: “If it becomes a normalized part of what we do, it may lead to complacency and diminished power and effectiveness for political change.”

4 Responses

Rocky Semmes ’79

3 Years Ago

The present Princeton premise regarding land acknowledgement is certainly sound enough, but it comes up far short regarding land on this continent usurped, “without consultation,” by colonial populations. The valid concept, taken to its logical extension, has to acknowledge every and all species (plant and animal) adversely affected by the still-active self-absorbed disregard of the usurpers. 

The University itself has to consider and reflect upon the continuous sprawl of its own fleshy facilities footprint, and the seemingly endless compulsive expansion of its buildings, infrastructure, and hardscape. Perhaps building below grade needs to be considered. 

If the reported conversation is earnest in its intent, then “walking the talk” should be reflected in the record.

Norman Ravitch *62

3 Years Ago

When entering in any sense whatsoever an old institution — a prestigious university, a cathedral, a museum of note, whatever — as a member or associate of sorts one will of course find things in the past that can be labeled racist, insensitive, barbaric, out-of-date indeed, and troubling to the tender consciences of the very young and not so young. The proper attitude of ladies and gentlemen would be in my view to interiorize your feelings and not mention them to others.

Should Jews for example visit Catholic sites with a desire to shout the truth of anti-Semitism in those venues? Or Catholics to remark in some places in Holland that Catholics were murdered there by Protestants, or vice versa by Protestants in central Paris where Catholic authorities killed them? Terrible examples, but ones which are more easily forgiven perhaps than childish offense at minor things in one’s hearing or sight. In other words, grow up!

Max Maizels ’72

3 Years Ago

If the mundane foolishness perpetrated on students by the faculty as described in “First Day of Class: Faculty Start the Semester With New Conversations” (On the Campus, February issue) is allowed to continue, Princeton will not retain its number one ranking much longer. The tripe about land acknowledgement, safe and sheltered spaces, gender self-identification, etc. had me thinking I was reading a parody issue of the Princeton Alumni Weekly. If this is what occupies the classroom, then we are looking at an uneducated future.

Mitchell S. Muncy ’90

3 Years Ago

Regarding the University’s land acknowledgment (On the Campus, February issue), when I lived in Princeton for several years around 2010, I was consistently struck by the University’s high-handed approach to the local community, to the point that it provoked a property-tax lawsuit from low-income homeowners. The University’s ostentatious self-flagellation over its presumed treatment of the community 265 years ago would be more convincing if its treatment of the community were better today. How about acknowledging that it owns land far out of proportion to the taxes it pays — and that it can afford to remedy this circumstance any time it wants to?

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