Names in the news: Medicine, jobs, and a 10,000-year clock



An op-ed by doctor and mother Karen Sibert Haddy ’74 argued against doctors working part-time – and sparked a vigorous debate among readers. PAW reprinted a Haddy essay on work and family in May. [New York Times]
Former Sen. Bill Bradley ’65 outlined a series of ideas for stimulating job creation in a recent op-ed piece. [USA Today]
What would you pay for a clock that runs for 10,000 years? founder Jeff Bezos ’86 is investing $42 million. [Wired]
In an appearance sponsored by the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, Supreme Court justice Sonia Sotomayor ’76 spoke about her own childhood experience with the disease. [USA Today]
LOCOMOTIVES: President Barack Obama appointed Hyman Bass ’55, a University of Michigan mathematics professor, as a member of the President’s Committee on the National Medal of Science. … Lisette Nieves *01, a public policy professor at the City University of New York at Brooklyn College, was named to Obama’s Advisory Commission on Educational Excellence for Hispanics. Princeton professor Marta Tienda also will serve on the commission. … University of Buffalo law professor Guyora Binder ’77 was promoted to distinguished professor, the highest faculty rank in the State University of New York system. … Professional cyclist Tyler Wren ’03 was belatedly named the winner of a mountain stage in February’s Vuelta Chile, a prestigious road race. Wren finished second, but the original winner was disqualified due to a positive doping test.

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