Nate Rawlings ’04, a captain in the U.S. Army, led a platoon in combat in Baghdad and was an embedded combat adviser to the Iraqi army. Rawlings, who plans to begin graduate studies in journalism at Columbia University, filed a series of on-air and online dispatches with the National Public Radio series Day to Day during the past year while serving his second tour of duty in Iraq.
Following are links to some of those dispatches. The first includes writer Whitney Terrell ’91, who met Rawlings two years earlier when Terrell was embedded in Iraq in 2006.
May 9, 2008: Terrell catches up with his friend Rawlings at Fort Hood in Texas as he prepares for 15 more months in Baghdad.
Making sense of the election from Baghdad
Nov. 6, 2008: Rawlings talks about watching the U.S. presidential election results come in from an Army base in Baghdad, and Iraqi reaction to the voting.
Looking forward to the new year in Iraq
Jan. 1, 2009: Rawlings tells how he celebrated the new year in Baghdad and what the new year may bring for U.S. forces in Iraq.
March 3, 2009: As Rawlings prepares to return to civilian life, he talks about how his perspective on life has been affected by his time in combat.
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