
LOCOMOTIVES   RIVKA GALCHEN ’98 and JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER ’99 made The New Yorker’s list of 20 promising novelists under age 40, published in June. Galchen is best known for her novel Atmospheric Disturbances. Safran Foer has received praise for his two novels, Everything Is Illuminated and Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close. Last year, he published a work of nonfiction, Eating Animals. ... LANCE COLLINS ’81 has been named dean of the College of Engineering at Cornell University. Collins, a chemical engineer, joined Cornell in 2002, following 11 years on the faculty at Penn State. ... Former Princeton tennis teammates JAY LAPIDUS ’81 and LEIF SHIRAS ’81 were inducted May 26 into the Intercollegiate Tennis Association Men’s Collegiate Tennis Hall of Fame in Athens, Ga. Shiras is a commentator for the Tennis Channel, while Lapidus is the director of tennis at Duke University.

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