

LOCOMOTIVES   DAVID VAN ZANDT ’75, dean of Northwestern Univeristy School of Law, will become president of The New School university in downtown Manhattan, replacing former Nebraska senator Bob Kerrey when he steps down in Decem­ber. ... A recent Providence Journal ­feature story went inside the “batlab” with Brown Univer­sity professor JAMES ­SIMMONS *69, whose insights in bat navigation have influenced advances in sonar technology. ... Former men’s basketball standout GABE LEWULLIS ’99, now an orthopedic surgeon in Boston, was featured in the annual Sports Illustrated “Where are they now?” issue. Ariel Investments CEO JOHN ROGERS ’80 also was spotlighted for famously beating Michael Jordan one-on-one at a basketball fantasy camp. ... RISHI JAITLY ’04 has co-founded Michigan Corps, a nonprofit organization intended to fund­raise and invest in initiatives that support small businesses, entrepreneurship, and education in Michigan. ... Los Angeles filmmaker NICK GUTHE ’91 has produced a public-service announce­ment, with actor Peter Gallagher, to publicize a nonsurgical treatment for progressive infantile scoliosis, a potentially fatal orthopedic condition. The spot is running on national cable outlets and can be viewed at watch?v= KsF3t4rTEqw. Guthe’s son has been treated successfully for the condition.

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