ANTHONY MARX *86 *90, president of Amherst College, will become president and CEO of the New York Public Library in July, succeeding Paul LeClerc.
Marx received an M.P.A. from the Woodrow Wilson School and went on to earn a Princeton Ph.D. in politics. He taught politics at Columbia University for 13 years, leaving in 2003 to lead Amherst.
He told radio station WNYC that the library must continue “to be a center of educational life, and informed life, and of citizenship and enlightenment, at a time when all that seems to be much more threatened than I would have guessed.”
LOCOMOTIVES MARK SIEGLER ’63, director of the MacLean Center for Clinical Medical Ethics in Chicago, received a lifetime-achievement award from the American Society for Bioethics and Humanities Oct. 23 in San Diego. ... Urbana High School (Md.) chemistry teacher MICHELLE SHEARER ’95 is Maryland’s teacher of the year. ... Two of the five charter schools featured in the documentary film Waiting for “Superman” were founded by Princeton alumni: CHRIS BUJA ’84’s Summit Preparatory High School in Redwood City, Calif., and RAJ VINNAKOTA ’93’s SEED School in Washington, D.C. ... DAVID ORR ’96, who writes the column “On Poetry” for The New York Times Book Review, made the New Haven Review’s “20 Non-fiction Writers Under 40” list. ... GREGG BERMAN *94 led the Securities and Exchange Commission’s inquiry report on the May 6 “flash crash,” which was released in October. ... BILL SOFIELD ’83 won the 2010 National Design Award in Interior Design from the Cooper-Hewitt museum. He received his award at the White House, at a ceremony hosted by Michelle Obama ’85. ... MELLODY HOBSON ’91 has signed on as co-chair of Rahm Emanuel’s mayoral bid in Chicago.
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