Among those coming to the aid of victims of the Boston Marathon bombings last month was ALBERT PENDLETON ’02, an orthopedic surgeon. Pendelton, who was 5 feet from the finish line, was “knocked to the ground by the force of the bombs, and was able to recover in time to help the injured around him. He ferried victims of the blast into medical tents nearby where he could dress and treat the wounds,” reported PBS NewsHour. ... ROBERT KAHN *64, considered one of the fathers of the Internet, was one of five winners of the inaugural Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering, awarded in March. ... MARK MELLMAN ’78 was the subject of international press coverage for advising the new Israeli party Yesh Atid (There Is a Future), helping the party become the second-largest faction in the Israeli Knesset. As a result, the Washington, D.C.-based Mellman Group won the American Association of Political Consultants’ award for the best international campaign of the 2012 election year.
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