PAW’s Most-Viewed Stories of 2014

As the end of 2014 draws near, The Weekly Blog shines the spotlight on reader favorites. This year, PAW’s five most-viewed online stories were all cover stories from the magazine.

1. The Rules

(Published in the Oct. 8 issue)

Lawrence Otis Graham ’83 thought his Ivy League education and status would insulate his family from racism. He was wrong.

2. The People Who Saw Evolution

(Published in the April 23 issue)

After 40 years of research on Darwin’s finches, Peter and Rosemary Grant have written their valediction.

3. Power to the People

(Published in the April 2 issue)

Social psychologist Amy Cuddy *05 explains how we make judgments, and how our bodies can help us feel more powerful.

4. Life on the Run

(Published in the March 19 issue)

Alice Goffman *10, a rising star in sociology, chronicles the human costs of America’s penal system.

5. Inside the President’s Inner Circle

(Published in the May 14 issue)

Economics professor Alan Krueger is back from Washington with new, eclectic interests.

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