Pillows of all shapes and sizes were pressed into battle April 17, 2009, by students on the lawn outside Frist Campus Center. The pillow fight lasted about 15 minutes; no casualties were reported. If you were there — or recognize anyone in the photo — send us a memory at paw@princeton.edu.
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Rebecca (Tran) Pollard ’12 and Stephen Pollard ’12
3 Years AgoPillow Fight Memory
Thanks for including the pillow-fight photo in the last PAW (From the Archives, June issue). That’s Stephen Pollard ’12 and me, Rebecca Tran ’12, in the foreground. In our freshman year, a viral email from Jackie Bello ’09 called for a “seemingly spontaneous eruption of a massive, crazy fun pillow fight” during a pre-frosh weekend. The pillow fight was a great success and remains a favorite memory of ours.