P-RAIDERS: Rogue alumni showed up on Princeton’s campus on the Saturday afternoon of Reunions to carry out the P-rade tradition, even though the weekend’s festivities had been moved online. The Class of ’71 reuners shown here taking a victory lap for their 50th reunion are, from left, Art Lowenstein, Ray Ollwerther, David Schankler, Jeff Hammond, and Terry Pflaumer. Several members of other classes also staged scaled-down P-rades across campus that day.
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Michael Coco ’87
3 Years AgoOn Campus Again
One of the nice things about living close to campus is that we can hop on over on a whim. On May 22, our whims were the P-rade and cicadas. My wife (Liz Coco ’87) and I have been on campus at P-rade time each of the last two years. This time, we saw most of the ragtag P-rade while sitting on the steps of Whig Hall. We did our best to encourage the “crowd” with some locomotives. When it was time for the Class of ’87 to march, we joined in.
We are guessing that next year’s experience will be a little different.