Professors Catherine Clinton *80 and Rhae Lynne Barnes on ‘Roe’
A new book by the two history professors analyzes the current political turning point for abortion

Catherine Clinton *80, a history professor at the University of Texas at San Antonio, and Princeton history professor Rhae Lynn Barnes have joined together to discuss modern America’s stark turning point in women’s rights in their new book, Roe v. Wade: Fifty Years After. The in-depth analysis of this tumultuous period offers a deep look into a political landscape where a woman’s right to choose is no longer federally protected, varying drastically from state to state.
To understand this shift — and its impact on our current election cycle — Clinton and Barnes call us to look back to the landmark Roe v. Wade decision of 1973 and the half-century of social, political, and cultural upheaval that followed. World-renowned scholars, prize-winning historians, and Pulitzer Prize-winning public intellectuals examine the historical struggle for reproductive freedom, the legal battles that shaped it, abortion’s cultural representation in popular culture, and the diverse perspectives on abortion shaping our country’s future.
PAW asked Clinton and Barnes to recommend three more books about women’s rights to read this election season, and they suggested these.
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