Shedding Light
Five Princetonians on the role of think tanks and pointing the way forward for America
Princetonians lead think tanks; the perfect football season of 1964; Nobel in physics.
Five Princetonians on the role of think tanks and pointing the way forward for America
Sixty years after their perfect season, members of the 1964 football team look back
’C3’s meetings are formal. Its procedures have been unchanged for decades. ... This is the most rigorous personnel process that I know.’
An administrator urged community members to report any similar incidents
Students who take Nathan Arrington ’02’s class Archaeology in the Field get hands-on experience working at an excavation site in Greece
After nearly 50 years as a Princeton faculty member, Anthony Grafton, a historian of Renaissance Europe, will be retiring at the end of this academic year
The novel depicted aspects of a Princeton experience that have since become ancient history
‘...I think Princeton moved in a really positive, progressive direction over recent years, so I’m delighted to be back,’ said Michael Solis ’07
William Hamlin Neely 1917 (1896-1962)
Gordin is also creating a fresh, less stressful schedule for final exams
The emeritus professor at Princeton share the prize with Geoffrey Hinton, a professor at the University of Toronto
The grant recognizes ‘creative individuals with a track record of excellence,’ according to the foundation
Student activists questioned the University’s move to allow fossil fuel industry funding for research that aims to produce environmental benefits
The board follows a recommendation by the Committee on Naming, which said Witherspoon is ‘worthy of recognition, but not canonization’
As overseas pros, these former Princeton players are embracing new experiences
A new book by the two history professors analyzes the current political turning point for abortion
Siegel’s photographs of poor living conditions in Maryland helped prompt new housing in 1969
You can explore all issues prior to 2006 for free on Google Books:
Screening for cancer with liquid biopsy; PetroTiger; Endowments targeted.