
Photo: Rob Shelley

Published Jan. 21, 2016

Sarah Kennel ’92 is the curator of a National Gallery of Art exhibit on the 19th-century French photographer Charles Marville. On view through Jan. 5, “Charles Marville: Photographer of Paris” is the first exhibition in the United States on the artist. The show includes about 100 photographs, including city scenes, landscapes, and architectural studies of Europe. “Some people will I think find it fascinating to see parts of Paris that have completely disappeared,” says Kennel. “Other people will be bowled over by the incredible beauty and clarity of these prints.” The exhibit will be on display at the Metropolitan Museum of Art Jan. 29 to May 4.


Photo: Tess Steinkolk

Brother Ivan Karamozov, a new play by Jed Peterson ’06 adapted from part of the Dostoyevsky novel The Brothers Karamazov, received a public reading in October at the Cell Theatre in New York City, where Peterson is a resident artist. The story explores a family struggling with questions of guilt and innocence on the eve of a notorious trial in Russia.


Photo: Andrew Wilkinson

Benjamin Gross *11 is curator and consulting scholar of “Innovations That Changed the World,” an exhibit at The College of New Jersey, which opened in October. A long-term installation that explores New Jersey’s contributions to the electronics industry, the exhibit includes the first color TV picture tube, the first commercially available electron microscope in the United States, and examples of other technologies developed by the Radio Corporation of American (RCA). “Visitors will not only learn about the scientific principles behind RCA’s major technological achievements but also the social and historical contexts into which they were introduced,” says Gross, whose Princeton dissertation explored the development of the first liquid-crystal displays by scientists and engineers at RCA. He is a research fellow at the Chemical Heritage Foundation in Philadelphia.

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