Providing more opportunities for alumni to comment on stories and letters was one significant goal of PAW's 2008 Web site redesign, and in the last year, a growing number of readers weighed in online. Below are links to the five items that drew the most comments.
1. Princeton's feminization (May 13)
When an alumnus bemoaned the loss of the "distinct masculine flavor of an all-male college," readers roundly rejected his lament. But there was one issue up for debate: whether or not PAW should have published the letter.
2. The envelope, please ... (March 4)
Our Web feature spotlighting award-winning Princetonians on the screen, stage, and television drew an enthusiastic response -- and nominations of a few alumni we'd missed.
3. The cosmic apocalypse (Feb. 11)
This feature story about research of the Big Bang attracted thoughtful replies.
4. Hating Uncle Sam (March 4)
Our story about a Princeton class that explored anti-Americanism sparked debate among alumni readers.
5. (tie) Yo, Band! (Nov. 4)
Princeton University Band alumni chimed in with their memories of favorite jokes from football field shows.
5. (tie) Conway Lectures (July 15)
A Web Bonus video presentation of Professor John Conway's lectures probing free will was the most popular page on PAW's Web site this year.
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