What's new at PAW Online: Dec. 10, 2012



Working on Princeton’s campus keeps our staff in close contact with one of the most exciting aspects of the University: cutting-edge research. The Dec. 12 cover story highlights one example, Professor Paul Steinhardt’s adventurous search for a natural quasicrystal. We also share interesting findings in Ideas, a relatively new part of the Campus Notebook section. Amaney Jamal, an associate professor of politics, and engineering collaborators Naveen Verma and Branko Glisic are among the faculty members featured in this issue.
– Marilyn H. Marks *86, editor
From building to burning, students, alumni, and other Tiger fans enjoyed the Nov. 17 celebration of football’s victories against Harvard and Yale. WATCH


History columnist Gregg Lange ’70 salutes the Class of 1925 by reminiscing about a few of its notable members; also available as a podcast. READ MORE or LISTEN
Nearly a year after suffering a stroke, football standout Chuck Dibilio ’16 looks forward to being back on campus in February. READ MORE


PAW’s Weekly Blog covers campus events, including David Brooks’ recent lecture on “Politics and the Organization Kid.” READ MORE
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A list of graduate and undergraduate alumni deaths recently reported to the University. READ MORE


Highlights from the Dec. 12 issue:

A world in a grain of sand Professor Paul Steinhardt’s long, improbable search for a natural quasicrystal.

Warfare under the radar Peter W. Singer ’97 explains how we can be at war and hardly notice.

Senior thesis moves into the digital era No more bound volumes will be added to the Archives.

Princeton trails Ivy peers in enrollment of veterans

Multiclub bicker, with some limits, to return to the Street in February

Letters Readers share their views on Princeton’s transfer ban, the Tilghman years, and alumni giving.

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