What’s Next? PAW asked two writers with different views to consider the future of our major political parties. Read Julian E. Zelizer’s take on the Democrats here.
There is an American elite, and if you’re reading this magazine, you are very likely part of it. In terms of educational attainment, social status, income, and net worth, most Princeton alumni are at the most privileged end of the spectrum.
Elites seem to have benefited massively from the policies accepted or championed for decades by both major parties’ establishments. On paper, we have flourished under globalism and “you-do-you” social liberalism. International trade and relaxed borders haven’t put us out of jobs; our salaries haven’t been stagnating for 50 years; and with the luxuries of wealth and practical cunning, our peers have embraced the “liberties” of the sexual revolution without bearing many of its most visible costs: Most of us still get and stay married and rear children in stable homes.
That’s on paper. At a deeper level, our material privileges haven’t made us — or our kids — all that happy. The constant demand to strive and produce — to win in a meritocracy — undermines joy. No wonder mental-health care is now the main function of our university’s health services. Still, we aren’t dying the deaths of despair highlighted by Princeton professors Anne Case *88 and Angus Deaton: suicides, drug overdoses, and liver disease. Many of our compatriots are. We seem to have mastered the art of overlooking these forgotten Americans.
The future belongs to whichever party does for them what the establishments of both parties have done for us: prioritize their needs and interests. That means building an economy that works for everyone. It means rebuilding the cultural and moral order that gives more people the central blessing of a stable, two-parent family. It means prioritizing policies that serve the non-elite.
Many Beltway pundits spent January and February analyzing the internecine battle within the GOP as between QAnon forces (embodied in Marjorie Taylor Green) and establishment forces (embodied in Liz Cheney). This isn’t where the real debate is. After all, everyone smart on the right knows that just as William F. Buckley had to run the Birchers out of the conservative movement two generations ago, so too today the Republican Party will have no future if it provides safe haven to the alt-right, QAnon, racism, anti-Semitism, or xenophobia.
The real intra-GOP struggle to watch is the one between what we might call the Mitt Romney of 2012 and the Mitt Romney of 2021: It is about whether Republicans will advance a policy agenda that promotes the flourishing and core values of the “forgotten Americans” (which would also, incidentally, prevent them from being coopted by conspiracy theorists and bigots). Pundits will analyze day-to-day political weather; PAW readers should consider the underlying climate changes.
Why did those “forgotten Americans” turn to Donald Trump to begin with? They thought he cared more than the establishment did. What with language from Romney in 2012 on “makers and takers” and the “47 percent,” and from Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama of a “basket of deplorables” and people who “get bitter” and “cling to guns and religion,” many of our neighbors thought their lives, families, values, and jobs didn’t matter to elites.
Fast forward to today, and Romney introduces the most generous federal child-assistance program to ever come from a Republican. No longer does he refer to himself as a “severe conservative.” Meanwhile, the Marco Rubio who focused on freedom when he ran for president in 2016 gave an address in late 2019 titled “Common Good Capitalism and the Dignity of Work,” backed by policy initiatives such as expanding the child tax credit and paid family leave. These aren’t Chamber of Commerce priorities.
If the Republican Party of the past two generations was marked by the fusionism that came out of Buckley’s National Review, the question now is what a 21st-century fusion looks like. The old fusionism combined the religious right with anti-communists and libertarian economists, with an eye to protecting the American way of life from its enemies at home (including, in this view, Big Government) and abroad (the USSR).
But the American family and American worker weren’t saved. And the GOP fell into the rut of assuming particular policy applications were its lodestar principles. Today, a new fusionism is forming that evaluates social, economic, and foreign policies by asking how effectively they defend core American values like life, marriage, work, and religion.
After all, the way of life that the Founders sought to protect was a blend of the Declaration of Independence and the Bible. Where people are made in the image and likeness of God, subjects of inalienable dignity. Where people are created male and female, to unite in marriage and raise children together in a family. Where people assemble in a variety of houses of worship to give thanks to the Creator so central to the Declaration. And where they spend their labors in service of others — and in keeping with their obligations to God — to support their families.
The real intra-GOP struggle to watch is the one between what we might call the Mitt Romney of 2012 and the Mitt Romney of 2021: It is about whether Republicans will advance a policy agenda that promotes the flourishing and core values of the “forgotten Americans.”
Now this way of life isn’t just for Americans — it’s based on human nature. Most people want to form families, worship God, and find dignified work. A political movement dedicated to this vision would be broadly attractive.
On social issues, Americans don’t want to be judged by their race, sex, class, or religion. A smart GOP would reject identity politics, critical race theory, and gender ideology. A commitment to human dignity and equality would demand not only protection of the unborn, but also rejection of racial identity politics (both left-wing and right-wing) and assaults on religious liberty. As the left has set its face against faith traditions that uphold historically normative understandings of marriage and family, Republicans must step up to defend these basic values.
On economic issues, Americans don’t want to maximize GDP, property rights, or economic freedoms at all costs. They want to find decent jobs, support their families, meet their needs, especially on health care, and not worry that they’re one pink slip away from eviction. Rights and liberties matter. But as fellow alum George Will *68 once wrote, “the most important four words in politics are: ‘up to a point.’” The GOP is the party of economic freedom, up to the point where it ceases to serve human flourishing. All liberties have limits. So do markets, for all the blessings they’ve brought.
This doesn’t mean that conservatives should embrace the left’s class-warfare rhetoric or aggressive taxation, redistribution, and regulatory expansion. The goal is to craft policies that serve the flourishing of human beings and their communities. Not government-run institutions replacing the authority of families, religious communities, business, and other institutions of civil society, but policies that, to quote the theologian Richard John Neuhaus and sociologist Peter Berger, “empower people” and the free institutions that mediate between individuals and the state. It’s already happening, as Romney, Rubio, and Mike Lee, for example, have all introduced the pro-family federal policies mentioned.
When it comes to jobs, we need policies reflecting the fact that a job is more than a paycheck. It provides meaning and community, purpose and direction. And along with religion and other elements of civil society, it contributes to what Harvard’s Robert Putnam calls social capital. Government transfer payments, including a universal basic income, won’t do much to stop the decimation of the economies of small towns or the breakdown in marriage and family.
Republicans must also creatively apply timeless principles to Big Tech, woke capitalism, and cancel culture. A GOP of the future will learn from the GOP of the past that Big Government can threaten human freedom and flourishing, but it will also understand that Big Business can too — especially when oligarchic global corporations attack basic American values. We need a culture, not just a legal system, that fosters the free exchange of ideas.
A smart GOP would reject identity politics, critical race theory, and gender ideology. A commitment to human dignity and equality would demand not only protection of the unborn, but also rejection of racial identity politics (both left-wing and right-wing) and assaults on religious liberty.
We also need a foreign policy no longer focused exclusively on free trade and democracy-building, but concerned with the rise of China, the creation of a class of “global citizens” with no particular loyalty to their homelands, and the impact of immigration and trade on American workers.
The question for the GOP, then, is whether this new fusionism achieves policy prominence in the party. Watch to see whether the GOP speaks not just about fair procedures and rights and liberties (essential as these are), but also about the way of life they would promote. Doing so would force it to put its money where its mouth is, championing policies to make this way of life possible. Because it belongs to no single race, or class, or religious tradition, this way of life — and related political agenda — would enable the GOP to be multiethnic and interfaith. Any viable Republican Party must seek out working-class voters from all ethnic and religious backgrounds and represent their interests.
As the privileged keep doubling down on neoliberal economics and identity and gender politics, the Democrats will undoubtedly become even more the party of the elites. So the Republicans must become a working-class party, championing the values and policies that make for the real happiness we’re all after. Some Princeton elites might want to join the cause.
8 Responses
Barbara Schult
3 Years AgoFlourishing in All Forms
I’m not an elite, but I do get to read the PAW from time to time. Ryan Anderson ’04’s essay in the April issue has left me confused. Expressing that the goal of the GOP should be to craft policies that serve the flourishing of human beings, rather than “government-run institutions replacing the authority of families, religious communities, business, and other institutions of civil society” but then speaking about “upholding normative understandings of marriage and family” — well, that sure sounds like the GOP will be telling me the right way to live. And specifically so.
Sorry, Mr. Anderson, human flourishing comes in all forms, and that includes honoring a woman’s control over her own body, as well as love in all its various presentations.
Interestingly, the Republican efforts to make voting more difficult all across the nation (thirsty, anyone?) were not mentioned in the essay. I will be watching to “see whether the GOP speaks not just about fair procedures” — I’ll be watching closely for fairness.
Stephen E. Silver ’58
3 Years AgoDefining ‘Elites’
I am puzzled by the frequent use of the word “elites” in Ryan Anderson’s article on Republicans. I know the meaning of an “elite” athlete or an “elite” combat unit, but I don’t know who are the “elites” in general society.
I get the impression that “elites” refers to those who stand out by being better educated, more rational, and are less susceptible to believing nonsense.
Oddly enough, the term seems to be more often used as a slur.
Timothy Nunan ’08, John Raimo ’08
3 Years AgoNeed for Responsible Conservative Voices
Ryan T. Anderson ’04’s statements in a recent PAW forum concern us. Anderson directly advocated for policies of the Trump administration. PAW could surely draw on more credible conservative voices.
Mr. Anderson employs a far-right vocabulary in the guise of moderation. Concepts like “elite,” “nature,” “globalism,” “core values,” and “forgotten Americans” are hardly neutral. Mr. Anderson has repeatedly demonized LGTBQ+ and nonreligious American citizens using debunked social science and historical research. His assertion that “people are created male and female, to unite in marriage and raise children together in a family” constitutes a dog whistle against such groups.
We find Mr. Anderson’s denunciation of “the alt-right, QAnon, racism, antisemitism, or xenophobia” ironic given his championing of homophobic and transphobic policies. He edited a journal in which one contributor championed criminalization of “sodomitical relationships.” Mr. Anderson played a leading role in a 2017 vice-presidential working-group report that provided justification for the Trump administration’s ban of transgender Americans from military service.
The “free exchange of ideas” defines American society. Yet instrumental uses for dialogue exist: the appearance of tolerance, presumed parity between views, and the heightened profile of participants. Criticism may trigger calculated claims of censorship; Anderson decried “cancel culture” upon critical reviews of his book When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Moment (2018).
The state of the country leaves Americans in need of responsible conservative interlocutors. We salute PAW’s willingness to seek them out; unfortunately, Mr. Anderson does not qualify.
John W. Unger Jr. ’74
3 Years AgoPolicy and the Separation of Church and State
I read both “What’s Next” articles (“What’s Next? The Democrats” and “What’s Next? The Republicans,” April issue), and they captured the divide between Democrats and Republicans. The Democrats article was long on specifics, policy, and issues. The Republicans article, while addressing many of the same issues, was short on specifics and policy and, as expected, long on values, especially religion. While the author, Ryan T. Anderson ’04, is careful to nuance this — writing, “Where people assemble in a variety of houses of worship to give thanks to the Creator so central to the Declaration” — for the vast majority of Republicans religion equates to Christianity. So much for the separation of church and state if Republicans must ask, as Anderson writes, how effectively policies “defend core American values like life, marriage, work, and religion.”
C. Thomas Corwin ’62
3 Years Ago‘Class Warfare’
The pair of articles on American political parties in the April 2021 issue of the PAW has few if any precedents, if memory serves. But as I am now into my ninth decade, it may have betrayed me once again. Ryan T. Anderson ‘04 seeks to wrap the Republican Party in the mantle of the Judeo-Christian moral tradition while, at the same time, accusing “the left” (with a small “l” of course) of engaging in “class-warfare rhetoric.” Nonviolent, nonrhetorical class warfare has been waged very effectively in this country, especially since 1981. It should be crystal clear to all who are even vaguely familiar with the numbers which class has been winning. And when it comes to genuine class-warfare rhetoric I seem to remember an often-quoted Christian spokesman saying this: “How hardly shall they that have riches enter into the kingdom of God! For it is easier for a rope to go through a needle's eye, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.” Now that’s real, bare-knuckled class-war rhetoric!
Jay Tyson ’76
3 Years AgoProtecting Religious Liberty
I enjoyed this article. I would be interested to know, however, whether protection from assaults on religious liberty would include protection for Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jews, and Muslims along with Christians? In theory, I suppose it probably would. But would it also in practice? If so, there is certainly some work ahead, in terms of a need to change the attitudes of a lot of people.
Norman Ravitch *62
3 Years AgoDemocrats and Republicans for the Forgotten Americans?
Scholars of our politics are urging both political parties to become the leaders of the Forgotten Americans. But what if both political parties bought this recommendation seriously? They would then hardly differ from one another, except in more minor than major ways. Were Americans really united on such a program they would choose which of the parties had the best chance of accomplishing what was generally accepted as a good program. However, the history of political parties, in Europe and here as well, suggests that people do not vote their real interests, at least as pundits define them, but their gut feelings. Workers in Europe never voted massively for socialism and workers in American did not either, often for reasons of prejudice, religious allegiances which had nothing to do with real interests, and a concentration on personalities rather than programs. So I am not persuaded by our political pundits. I suspect that both parties will continue as they are now and have been for the last several decades, led by politicians who neither understand nor care what real Americans are concerned with. I have been voting for presidents since 1960 and when enumerating whom I have voted for I can justify what I chose to do but I cannot pretend to having made, in retrospect, the best decisions.
George T. Diller ’61
3 Years AgoWho are the Forgotten Americans?
Who are the forgotten among us? Are they those whose economic level has declined? Because of the fast digital evolution? Because of changing energy market values (coal vs wind/solar)? Because of the global economy? Assuredly, since FDR, the Democrats have worked steadily to correct such economic inequities. Can it honestly be said that such victims of economic decline have been "forgotten"? There are of course other categories of citizens that bear grudges light or heavy against one another: rurals/citadins, high-school/college educated ones ... . But please show me how "forgotten" applies to them.
As for Socialists, the French voted (1965–88) quite massively for president Françoia Mitterand.