Princeton Alumni Weekly
Princeton Alumni Weekly content overview
A Lasting Memorial to Woodrow Wilson ’79
Enlarged and Strengthened School of Public and International Affairs Receives Top Priority of Third Century Fund
One World or None
Implications of the atomic bomb are discussed by faculty members
Princeton, Albert Einstein, and the Bomb
University scientists loom large in story of atomic energy project...
For Students at War
A series of bulletins helps them chart future educational course
The “Princeton’s” Last Hours
A chain of three circumstances linked carrier to its fate
Post-War Problems
Princeton Round-Table Reaches Agreement on Major Premises
Martyrs of the Pump
A Dramatic Tale of the Civil War in Which a Secessionist Is Given the Water Cure, His Punishers in Turn Disciplined byt he Faculty, and the Whole Affair Concluded with...
On Woodrow Wilson ’79
But the time has come for Princeton men everywhere to forget these things and to honor Woodrow Wilson for what he actually did, not alone for Princeton, but for all...
A Figure Unique in Annals of United States Army and Navy
Princeton Alumnus Has Distinction of Being Only Officer in American Service History Ever to Hold COmmissions Both as Major-General in Army and Rear-Admiral in Navy