A Well-Ordered Thing: Dmitrii Mendeleev and the Shadow of the Periodic Table, Revised Edition
In this biography of the inventor of the periodic table of elements, Michael. D. Gordin crafts a portrait of the…
Explain Me This: Creativity, Competition, and the Partial Productivity of Constructions
In this book, Adele E. Goldberg approaches a linguistic paradox and shows how cognitive mechanisms influence our language skills. Explain…
Eyes on China: An Intermediate-Advanced Reader of Modern Chinese
Eyes on China: An Intermediate-Advanced Reader of Modern Chinese (Princeton University Press) is a textbook ideal for students moving to…
The Life of Walatta-Petros: A Seventeenth-Century Biography of an African Woman, Concise Edition
The Life of Walatta-Petros: A Seventeenth-Century Biography of an African Woman, Concise Edition (Princeton University Press) is a rich, rare…
You Can't Always Win: The Good Loser
You Can’t Always Win: The Good Loser (Independently published), written for children ages 7-11, teaches young athletes the values of…
A Wing and a Prayer
In A Wing and a Prayer (Severn House Publishers), family secrets unfold after 33-year-old Helen’s mysterious and estranged great aunt…
Call Sign Chaos
Call Sign Chaos (Penguin Random House) details the long career of four-star general and former Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis…
Heart of Texas: Life Stories of Richard Davis Hardin with Coleen Grant Hardin
Heart of Texas: Life Stories of Richard Davis Hardin with Coleen Grant Hardin (Self-published) details the family history of two…
Fork in the Crick: Rebecca Zook's Amish Romance
Fork in the Crick: Rebecca Zook’s Amish Romance (Chickadee Prince Books), the second installment in the series, follows an Amish…
Impeachment: A Handbook, New Edition
Impeachment: A Handbook, New Edition (Yale University Press), originally published during the Watergate crisis, is back in an updated edition…
Policing the Open Road: How Cars Transformed American Freedom
Policing the Open Road: How Cars Transformed American Freedom (Harvard University Press) follows the role of the automobile on the…
Sailing School: Navigating Science and Skill, 1550-1800
Sailing School: Navigating Science and Skill, 1550-1800 (Johns Hopkins University Press) illustrates the complex process an apprentice once underwent to…
Psychiatry and its Discontents
Psychiatry and its Discontents (University of California Press) traces the history of the field of psychiatry in its treatment of…
Emperor: A New Life of Charles V
Emperor: A New Life of Charles V (Yale University Press) offers a fresh interpretation of Charles V, ruler of the…
Entrenchment: Wealth, Power, and the Constitution of Democratic Societies
In today’s high-stakes political environment, entrenchment—efforts to implement change in ways opponents will find difficult to reverse—is at the heart…
The Fixer
The Fixer (Duke University Press) dives into the unpredictable, bureaucratic game known as the U.S. Diversity Visa Lottery as it…
Entre Nous: Between the World Cup and Me
Entre Nous: Between the World Cup and Me (Duke University Press) explores the relationship between sports and the sense of…
Bathroom Battlegrounds: How Public Restrooms Shape the Gender Order
Bathroom Battlegrounds: How Public Restrooms Shape the Gender Order (University of California Press) tracks the importance of the restroom across…