Title complimentary graphics

Human Hours

Catherine Barnett ’82

In Catherine Barnett ’82’s third collection of poetry, Human Hours (Greywolf Press) she meditates on time, from schedules to quotidian…

Artful Design

Ge Wang ’08

In Artful Design (Stanford University Press), Ge Wang ’08 puts forth a design manifesto at the intersection of engineering, art…

Not All Dead White Men

Donna Zuckerberg *14

Responding to recent trends of antifeminist threads online, Zuckerberg dives into the virtual communities of the far right in Not…

Identity Crisis

Michael Tesler, Lynn Vavreck, and John Sides *66

Identity Crisis (Princeton University Press) explains what many think of as unexplainable: Donald Trump’s election as president. John Sides *66…

Red, White, Blue

Lea Carpenter ’95

After Anna’s successful businessman father dies unexpectedly in Switzerland, she learns he was a spy for the CIA — and…

Bad Girls

Victor Santos and Alex De Campi ’92

An action-filled graphic novel, Bad Girls (Gallery 13) follows Carole and Taffy, two colorful women who find themselves fleeing Cuba…