Barry L. Danner ’55
What is there to be said, without dread
Of 50 years since the Tiger’s bed?
Life in the world entered our souls
Shaped our thoughts, inspired our goals
Many were reached, others not
Yet every step worth the effort. — B.L.D.
Barry L. Danner, forever optimistic and inquisitive, died April 15, 2008, at home in Libertyville, Ill.
Born in Allentown, Pa., Barry graduated from Allentown High School; at Princeton, he majored in economics, sang in the Glee Club, and participated in various intramural sports. A member of Campus Club, he roomed with Mills Ripley, Dick Hespos, and John Brehmer senior year.
Barry spent 50 rewarding years traveling an ever-changing world with instrument manufacturer Stewart Warner Corp. and its successor, Maxima Technologies & Systems.