Christopher B. Bedford ’66
Chris died June 15, 2011, in Montague, Mich.
Chris came to Princeton from St. George’s School, in Newport, R.I. He majored in politics and belonged to Whig-Clio and Terrace Club.
After Princeton, his service as a member of the Army’s presidential honor guard at Arlington Cemetery led him to join the anti-war movement. He began by producing anti-war TV spots for George McGovern and then devoted the rest of his life to such causes as AIDS, economic and social issues, corporate responsibility, the environment, organic food, and education reform. His 2001 film, The Next Industrial Revolution, described the work of architect Bill McDonough and chemist Michael Braungart to encourage corporations worldwide to develop sustainable, recyclable, non-polluting products.
Chris was a passionate early advocate of organic farming and operated an organic food market with his partner, Diana Jancek. As he put it in one of our reunion books, “I guess I never got over the ’60s.” Whatever the inspiration, the result was a life selflessly devoted to causes that Chris felt would make the world a better place.
Chris leaves his brother, Michael; daughters Kristin and Emily; and Diana. The class shares their sorrow.