William L. Weston ’59


Bill died Oct. 17, 2020, at home in San Diego. As he said in his 45th-reunion yearbook biography, “I can’t imagine anyone being luckier in his or her choice of career.”

Bill loved aerospace. He majored in aeronautical engineering at Princeton, spent his summers working at Republic Aviation on Long Island, and earned a master’s degree in mechanical engineering at Case Institute of Technology. Upon graduation from Case he took a position with General Dynamics/Convair, where he stayed for 32 years, rising to manager of automatic test equipment and involved in design and programming of electronic test equipment for space and military vehicles. He then volunteered for the remainder of his days at the San Diego Air & Space Museum working on aircraft restoration.

Born in Brooklyn, N.Y., Bill spent his youth in nearby Flushing, graduating from Flushing High School, where he was editor-in-chief of the school newspaper. Arriving at Princeton he rowed with the 150s his freshman year, wrote as feature editor for the Princeton Engineer, joined the American Institute of Aeronautical Engineers, waited tables in Commons, worked as an undergraduate assistant at Forrestal Research Center, and kept the hi-fi equipment humming at Terrace Club.

Bill was predeceased by his wife of 58 years, Marcia. He is survived by his son, Jim; his daughter, Elisa Bernstein; and four grandchildren.

Paw in print

The cover of PAW’s January 2025 issue, featuring an illustration of a Princeton locker room with jerseys, a basketball, a football helmet, a hockey stick, etc., and the headline: 25 Greatest Princeton Athletes, ranked.
The Latest Issue

January 2025

The 25 Greatest Princeton Athletes