Funny Stuff

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By Rex Hesner and Philip Witte ’79

Published June 24, 2024

What makes for a great cartoon? That’s the question Hesner and Witte set out to answer while working on this book. To get to the bottom of it, they offer a deep dive into the world of single-panel gag cartoons. The book includes insights from some legendary cartoonists such as Roz Chast, Sam Gross, Harry Bliss, Joe Dator, Mick Stevens, and more, while analyzing the various types of humor from dark and absurd to ironic and satirical. Plus there’s a thoughtful foreword from Bob Mankoff, former cartoon editor at The New Yorker. Readers of Funny Stuff (Prometheus) can enjoy many cartoon illustrations as they explore Witte and Hesner’s conclusions on the complexities behind cartoons.

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The Latest Issue

September 2024

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