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Howard Menand Jr. ’36

Howie succumbed to Alzheimer’s April 9, 2007. One of our brightest shining stars is dimmed. Howie came to Princeton from Albany Academy. He was business…

Marcus Jay Leschin ’34

Mike Leschin, who became dissatisfied with life in retirement and returned to work at age 73, died Feb. 20, 2008, of prostate cancer. He was…

Cynthia E. Bashford Davis ’79

Cindy died April 12, 2007, at her home, surrounded by her family, following a courageous two-and-half-year battle with breast cancer. Her sense of humor and…

Harry Poole ’62

Harry Poole III died Dec. 10, 2007, having suffered a stroke 10 years ago. He graduated from Choate and entered Princeton with the Class of…

Dana Michael Friedman ’60

Dana died Dec. 27, 2007, after a one-year struggle with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). The only child of Dr. Sumner H. Friedman and Ruth Faitsch…

George Thomas Riggs ’59

Tom was struck by a police cruiser Sept. 24, 2007, while crossing Wisconsin Avenue in Washington, D.C. He was taken to George Washington University Hospital…

Gary David Levey ’56

Gary David Levey died Dec. 31, 2007, of pancreatic cancer in Naples, Fla. He was born in Winthrop, Mass., and came to Princeton from Winthrop…

Roger C. Porr ’55

Roger died Sept. 1, 2007, at home in Trumbull, Conn. He came to Princeton from Bogota (N.J.) High School on a Cane Scholarship. Majoring in…

Frank F. Peard Jr. ’52

Frank Peard died peacefully May 25, 2007, at his home in Duxbury, Mass., from complications of acute leukemia. During his brief stay at the cancer…

Walter Joe Wilson ’52

Joe died of complications from Alzheimer’s disease April 25, 2006, at Hudson Memorial Nursing Home in EI Dorado, Ark. He was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s in…

John Dunham Griswold ’51

John was born Nov. 24, 1928, in Montclair, N.J., and came to us from Blair. At Princeton he majored in biology, was active in the…

Memorial PAWcasts


2023: Lives Lived & Lost

PAW Published memorials for 569 alumni in 2023, and in this issue, we reflect on 13 of those lives, the impact they had on Princeton, their families, and the world.


The cover of PAW’s January 2025 issue, featuring an illustration of a Princeton locker room with jerseys, a basketball, a football helmet, a hockey stick, etc., and the headline: 25 Greatest Princeton Athletes, ranked.
The Latest Issue

January 2025

The 25 Greatest Princeton Athletes

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