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William W. Langan ’62

Bill came to Princeton from Phillips Exeter, majored in politics, and took his meals at Cannon Club, which he served as an officer. After graduation…

Frederick J. DeFilippo ’62

Frederick, called Flip at Princeton and Ted by others, died March 4, 2020, in Hernando, Fla., of cancer. He came to us from Elmira (N.Y.)…

William C.C. Barnes ’62

Bill died Jan. 18, 2021, of dementia hastened by asymptomatic COVID-19 at The Villages, Fla. He came to us from the Lawrenceville School, where he…

William G. Lyles Jr. ’61

Billy died Nov. 15, 2020, in his native Charleston, S.C. Born in Columbia, S.C., he came to Princeton from Hotchkiss School. He left Princeton after…

Donald B. Stott ’60

Don was a New Yorker born and bred. He departed for a few years to the Taft School, graduating in 1956 after sharpening his golf…

John C. Roemer III ’60

John came to Princeton from Towson (Md.) High School as “a confirmed, antediluvian, right-wing Republican.” But when Eric Goldman assigned him to rewrite the Bill…

Daniel E. Schweid ’58

Dan died Jan. 23, 2021, in Cleveland Heights, Ohio. He was 83. He came to Princeton from Shaker Heights High School, where he played varsity…

Michael S. Huckman ’58

Mike, a pioneering neuroradiologist, died Jan. 19, 2021, at home in Chicago. He was 84. He came to Princeton from Columbia High School in Maplewood…

Charles Dillon Woody ’57

Chuck was not only what he seemed to many. “He was an easy, quiet, happy-go-lucky guy,” one Princeton friend remarked. “A regular guy, low key…

James W. Swan ’57

Rusty came to Princeton from the Blake School in Minneapolis. At Princeton he majored in economics, played 150-pound football, and joined Cap & Gown. His…

David L. Robb ’57

Dave built as varied a career after graduation as anyone from the Class of 1957. Soon married to Adelaide, a Smith grad whom he met…

Memorial PAWcasts


2023: Lives Lived & Lost

PAW Published memorials for 569 alumni in 2023, and in this issue, we reflect on 13 of those lives, the impact they had on Princeton, their families, and the world.


The cover of PAW’s January 2025 issue, featuring an illustration of a Princeton locker room with jerseys, a basketball, a football helmet, a hockey stick, etc., and the headline: 25 Greatest Princeton Athletes, ranked.
The Latest Issue

January 2025

The 25 Greatest Princeton Athletes

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