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Search PAW’s Memorials

Richard Lindsey ’71

We lost one of our most dedicated and caring physicians when Dick Lindsey died from complications of Lewy Body Dementia Aug. 8, 2019, in Colorado…

David Keller ’71

Dave died Aug. 3, 2019, in Lancaster, Pa., of pancreatic cancer. Dave came to Princeton from Penn Manor High School in Lancaster County, where he…

Arlene Julius ’71

Arlene died peacefully Nov. 8, 2019, at home after years of living with serious health issues. Arlene died peacefully Nov. 8, 2019, at home after…

Louis Neilson III ’64

Paddy died Sept. 5, 2019, of cancer. He grew up near Baltimore, Md. He came to Princeton from Gilman School, where he played lacrosse and…

Philip F. Metcalf ’64

Phil died Nov. 21, 2019, at his home in Santa Fe, N.M. He grew up in Auburn, N.Y., and prepared for Princeton at Northwood School…

Howard D. Medwed ’63

Howard died Dec. 23, 2019, of heart failure. He chaired the tax law department at Burns & Levinson in Boston for more than half a…

H. Cullen Henshaw ’62

We were saddened to learn of the loss of Cullen Nov. 6, 2019. He joined us from University High School in Kalamazoo, Mich. Cullen became…

Torrance Raymond ’60

Terry died Dec. 19, 2017, after a short illness. He grew up in Chappaqua, N.Y., and went to Horace Greeley High School, where he was…

Peter Larr ’60

Peter, son of a career Army officer, moved about much in his youth before settling at the Hotchkiss School. At Princeton he played rugby for…

Horace H. Irvine II ’59

Hod died Oct. 14, 2019, at his home in White Bear Lake, Minn., where he grew up. He prepped at St. Paul’s, playing football, tennis…

Elihu Inselbuch ’59

Elihu — musician, athlete, crack lawyer, and first-class wit — died peacefully Aug. 15, 2019, at his summer home on Shelter Island, N.Y. He is…

Memorial PAWcasts



The cover of PAW’s February 2025 issue, featuring a photo of Frank Stella leaning back with his hands behind his head.

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