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Search PAW’s Memorials

Tim Benn ’57

Tim died unexpectedly Oct. 9, 2019, of a heart attack. Although Tim was with us at Princeton only sophomore year, he described his experience there…

John Aponick ’57

“His passions led him to happiness,” John’s children said of him. “He loved what he did.” One passion was his legal practice. He specialized in…

Geoffrey G. Hall ’55

Geof died Aug. 19, 2017, in Stamford, Conn., after a five-year battle with cancer. He attended Pleasantville High School in Pleasantville, N.Y., where he participated…

Douglas Simms Stenhouse ’54

Doug died Sept. 27, 2019. He prepared for Princeton at National Cathedral Boys Choir, St. Alban’s School, in Washington, D.C. At Princeton he majored in…

Richard D. Savage ’54

Dick died Sept. 30, 2019. He was a graduate of Lakewood High School in Cleveland, Ohio. At Princeton he was elected to office in most…

H. Allen Holmes ’54

Allen died May 4, 2019. He was a distinguished Foreign Service officer. Born into a Foreign Service family, he attended St. Alban’s School in Washington…

Michael Taggart ’53

Michael was born in Grand Rapids, Mich., and came to Princeton from the Park School and Belmont Hill. At Princeton he joined Elm Club and…

Alvin Howard Fried ’53

Al died Nov. 5, 2019, at Monmouth Medical Center in Long Branch, N.J. Al was born in Trenton, N.J., and came to Princeton from Trenton…

Howard Martin Radwin ’52

A noted urologist and medical innovator, Howie died Sept. 24, 2019. He joined us from Brooklyn Poly Prep, majored in psychology, was president of the…

Merrifield Wells Huff ’52

Wells died Oct. 8, 2019. He came to us from Springfield (Mo.) High School. At Princeton, he majored in English, joined Terrace, and was majorly…

Benjamin Dawes Van Tuyl ’51

Ben was born Nov. 11, 1928, in Colorado City, Texas, to Anthony and Marjorie Hicks VanTuyl. His father was a member of the Class of…

William W. Sant ’50

Bill died Aug. 6, 2019, in St. Louis, Mo., where he had lived since seventh grade. He came to Princeton from St. Louis Country Day…

Memorial PAWcasts



The cover of PAW’s February 2025 issue, featuring a photo of Frank Stella leaning back with his hands behind his head.

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