The Princeton women’s indoor track team leads the pack in the 800-meter run at the Heptagonal championship in 1988. Pictured are Meagan Dewey ’88 (left), Becky Wells ’91 (right) and Nancy Easton ’88 (partially hidden behind Wells). Easton and Dewey finished first and second in the race.
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1 Response
6 Years AgoFrom the Archives, Corrected
Re the March 7 From the Archives photo: The amazing Becky Wells in front (on the right) was Class of ’91, not ’88. I recall seeing that picture and similar ones in a Princeton track newsletter when I was running in high school up in Boston and considering Princeton my junior year — those were the girls who inspired me and made Princeton look like a great place to be. Becky was a wonderful 800-meter mentor when I started as a freshman on the track team — a very talented runner and great teammate!