
Charlie Fondville

Mathematician JOHN TATE *50, left, will receive the 2010 Abel Prize from the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters. Tate, an emeritus professor at the University of Texas at Austin, was recognized “for his vast and lasting impact on the theory of numbers.” He is the originator of several important mathematical concepts, including the Tate conjecture and the Tate module. Tate will receive the honor, which carries a cash award of 6 million kroner (about $1 million), from King Harald of Norway in Oslo May 25.  

LOCOMOTIVES   Former Sen. BILL FRIST ’74 and former White House chief of staff JOSHUA BOLTEN ’76 were appointed to the Clinton Bush Haiti Fund’s six-person board of directors. ... SALLY BLOUNT ’83 will become dean of Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management in July. ... Atlanta Falcons president RICH MCKAY ’81 helped to draft the much-debated change to pro football’s overtime rules that was approved March 23. ... SOPHIE LAMONTAGNE ’00, co-owner of the popular D.C. bakery George­town Cupcake, will co-star in a TLC reality show called Cupcake Sisters, according to ... Brooklyn-based musician MATTHEW MIMS ’06 was one of 10 male finalists in PETA’s Sexiest Vege­tarian Next Door contest.

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