21.4% Drop in water use in residence halls from 2008 to 2011 (from 50.4 million gallons to 39.6 million gallons)
2.6% Decrease in greenhouse-gas emissions from 2008 to 2011 (from 114,676 to 111,677 metric tons, while the campus added 562,282 square feet of building space). An additional 14.9 percent reduction is needed by 2020 to meet the University’s stated goal.
69.7% Decrease in the use of pesticides from 2007 to 2010* (from 5,145 to 1,561 gallons)
700 Number of participants in a program that promotes carpooling, vanpooling, car sharing, and the use of mass transit
11.4% Decrease in landfill waste from 2007 to 2010*: (from 826 pounds per person — faculty, staff, and students — to 732 pounds per person)
*Most recent figures available
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